Director BIO: Christopher Carson Emmons (The Survivor: A Tale From The Nearscape)

Director Biography


Christopher Carson Emmons grew up in Milwaukee. While earning his Bachelor’s at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago he directed the dark comedy “Shine Baby Shine” about a bumbling shampoo salesman.

He went on to direct veteran film/TV actor Mark Metcalf (Animal House, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Seinfeld) in “Prone,” and “Marked Man,” starring Jaiden Kaine (Luke Cage, Vampire Diaries, Hidden Figures).

Christopher’s romantic comedy with a twist, “Serial Daters Anonymous,” starring Sam Page (Mad Men, House of Cards, Gossip Girl) and Scotty Dickert (XOXO, The Last Ship), premiered at the 2014 Milwaukee Film Festival, where it went on to get a limited theatrical release.

His short horror/satire “New Skin” garnered international recognition and acclaim in its 2015-2016 festival run, which his short drama “Surrender” continues to do well on the 2016-2017 festival run, having won multiple awards in festivals across the US and UK.

By lafeedbackfilmfestival

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