Deadline TODAY for Screenplay and Writing Festival Contests

Originally posted on WILDsound Festival:
Upcoming Festival DeadlinesDeadline July 31st 1st CHAPTER or FULL NOVEL CONTEST Get full feedback! Winners get their novel made into a video! SUBMIT your FEATURE Script FULL FEEDBACK on all entries. Get your script performed ? SUBMIT your TV PILOT or TV SPEC Script Voted #1 TV Contest in North…

BEST Scene Screenplay of NEVER SPEAK MY NAME, by Jo Ann Allen, Walter G Meyer, Stampp Corbin

Genre: Drama, History The story of Bayard Rustin a civil rights activist who fought resistance to his participation in the civil rights movement because he was an openly gay man. Bayard triumphs by planning the seminal 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. CAST LIST: Narrator: Sean Ballantyne Martin Luther King: Rais Moui Bayard:… Continue reading BEST Scene Screenplay of NEVER SPEAK MY NAME, by Jo Ann Allen, Walter G Meyer, Stampp Corbin

Winning 1pg Short Screenplay – ORSON WELLES ASHES, by Debra Knox

 Genre: Comedy Charlie and Susan, a couple of Hollywood wannabes drive down Sunset Boulevard in a big black Lincoln with Orson Wells ashes in the trunk and discover what it means to not give up on your dreams. CAST LIST: Narrator: Julian Ford Charlie: Steve Rizzo Susan: Penelope Corrin Get to know the winning writer:… Continue reading Winning 1pg Short Screenplay – ORSON WELLES ASHES, by Debra Knox

Winning TV PILOT of SIRINGO, by Nathan Ward

Genre: Crime, Mystery, Drama, Western, History A TV series based on the life of the Pinkerton “Cowboy Detective” Charlie Siringo, who spent two decades working undercover across the violent American West, infiltrating gangs including Butch Cassidy’s. The show crosses the Western with undercover crime dramas like Sneaky Pete or The Americans, since the lawman lives… Continue reading Winning TV PILOT of SIRINGO, by Nathan Ward